Cultural heritage, an important component of culture, is resultant of social cultural and political- economic developments . Cultural heritage, including museum heritage is a particular importance for the human community to which it is associated and for society as a whole.

Museums are widespread throughout the world. It takes care of things that are represent historical , artistic, scientific or other value. They contain the heritage of previous civilizations in all fields and form all ages to convey to us the picture of civilisations we have not seen before, whether historical, artistic or cultural. Museums visited by people have many benefits and purposes that made it gained great importance, including ---


1.Study and teaching purposes.


3. Educational purposes.

4.Gave us the opportunity to gain knowledge on our ancient civilisation.


A museum helps people understand the world by using objects and ideas to interpret the past and present and explore the future. A museum preserves and researches collections, and makes objects and information accessible in actual and virtual environments. Museums are established in the public interest as permanent, not- for - profits organisations that contribute long- term value to communities. When museums are examined in more details, we can state that a museums are organisations with the mission of investigating the production of humanity along the ages from the viewpoint of science and art to enlighten them about the history in addition to being spaces that present and conserve the treasures of science and art under and above ground treasures. Museum plays an important role in the integration of various groups in multicultural societies. Museums Australia recognises that museums of science, history, and art may be designated by many other names including "GALLERY" and "KEEPING PLACE."


 As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded and museums began to shut their doors at the beginning of 2020, the need for a digital transformation for cultural institution was brought to the fore.


Modern education is rapidly transforming its conventional format. Due to the COVID19 pandemic, all the instructions are delivered through the Internet now, so students don't have to leave their homes and attend institutions to learn something new. They have become more independent since it's not required to be in a certain place at a specific time. Remote studying added more flexibility in students' lives, which made the education more accessible for individuals that don't have the possibility to attend classes. These are only a few advantages of distance learning available now.

Educators believe that museums can inspire students to deepen their understanding of how the world works. They can evoke the youths' interest in various disciplines and engage them in discovering new things. They also give knowledge to students of all grade levels and abilities since they provide various resources for individuals of all ages. No matter what type of institution one attends, they can always get insights from visiting a museum. This is a great way to broaden the outlook beyond the narrow focus on academic work and fulfill more learning needs. Many teachers say that museums help to develop various skills that might be useful for the world outside of the classroom. All this makes virtual museums vital for modern education.

The role of museums in today's world can't be overestimated. In fact, museums are even more important now than a few years ago since they can address acute social issues triggered by the pandemic covid-19. They may also shape our society, which is really necessary now. As we may understand, the Corona virus disrupted a sense of community in people and made many of us feel lonely. Luckily, museums can bring individuals together by demonstrating a collective heritage, which gives them a valuable feeling of belonging to a group.


Not only schools and colleges are adapting to the new reality, but also galleries, libraries, and museums. Online museums provide unlimited opportunities for learning in the post-pandemic world. Students can get acquainted with historical objects regardless of their location. Whether one wants to see the Prado Museum in Madrid or the National Women's History Museum in Virginia, they can check some exhibitions on the Internet.

The rapid rise of technology over the last few decades has questioned what the museum really is. Innovations transform the museum to improve both educational and practical aspects of the museum experience. Since the COVID-19 pandemic made it almost impossible to visit public areas, the question is whether a museum can work online only. Managing directors are also wondering if museum's digital content can entirely replace physical exhibitions.

 Nevertheless, there are a lot of online resources considered to be museums. For example, there is the Tucson LGBTQ Museum, which exhibitions can be accessed on the web. People can see objects and artifacts of the LGBT movement that have been collected since 1967. This online museum provides historical content for research and creates a great community space. Another online museum, which is also more technologically advanced, is the Internet Museum based in Sweden. It was designed in 2014 to document the history of the internet and preserve Sweden's digital heritage. This platform is probably one of the most vital historical resources now as it keeps the artifacts of the worldwide web.

To understand the importance of web-based museums for the education process, let us consider the relationship between museums and pedagogic. Similar to other cultural institutions, museums affect future generations through exhibitions. They can pass knowledge and teach students by providing educational programs. Interactive online platforms also help children enjoy learning, so they start developing valuable study habits.


 Submitted : Rajashree Bhuyan

Student of HS Final year

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